About Us

Shammah Educational Centre Limited was registered under cap 212 of company ordinance in 2010 under  No. 77644. The company is operating a training center for review classes and a secondary school known as El-Shammah Secondary School. The school is registered under the Ministry of Education and Vocation Skills with registration No. S.4786 in 2014.

The school is led by a Board of Directors who are born again Christians with a string spiritual faith in the Father(Jehovah), Son(Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

Our objective is to build secondary schools equipped with excellent academic and boarding facilities. Through those facilities we will be able to promote intercultural living and studying to enhance the national aspiration of an evolving educated nation.

Also our objective is to minimize transport cost and risks that account for financial and social problems to parents and their children when studying far away from home.

Subjects Taught:
English, French, Kiswahili, Basic Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Civics, Bookkeeping, Commerce, Intro to Computer Information and Fine Arts.

Academic evaluation and assessment is done effectively in our school by evaluating students frequently through weekly, monthly, midterm and annual examinations.  

Language is a tool that enables learns to communicate effectively
orally and writing the language subjects that we teach under this
learning areas are: Kiswahili, English and French

2. Natural science and Technologies

Human beings have to interact with the environment in order ot
survive. The following subject shall be studied under this learning
area are: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Information
and Computer studies.

3. Social sciences

Social science enables learners to develop and understanding of
their rights and responsibltilities create self awareness and cope
with social, economic, political, cultural and environmental and
technological changes taking place within and outside the society.
Subjects under this area of learning area are History, Geography
and Civics.

4. Business studies

In our school we teach Business studies;
The focus business studies are to promote the development of a
wide range of basic skills in financial management, planning,
marketing, purchasing, public relations and entrepreneur ship. The
subject under this learning area Commerce, Bookkeeping and